Shipping and Payment

Dear Customer!

We deliver to the following countries:
Austria, Germany, Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Italy, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Spain, Estonia, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland.

Orders are delivered by the GLS courier service on weekdays between 8:00 and 18:00. You can see the shipping prices for one package below. 

The maximum weight of a package cannot exceed 31.5 kg. It is also possible to deliver oversized packages, in which case we deliver the products in several packages.

Once the package prepared for delivery has been handed over to the courier service, the Service Provider will send the Customer a notification e-mail informing him of the tracking number of the sent package.

We can only send cash on delivery packages to Austria and Germany!

The basic price tables are only valid for Austria, Germany and Hungary, ask us for an individual offer about other parcel delivery rates and our own Fleet service delivery. 

With GLS courier service:

0-2 kg€540-50 kg €16
2-3 kg€5.550-60 kg €20
3-5 kg€660-70 kg €24
5-10 kg6.5 €70-80 kg €28
10-15 kg€780-90 kg €31
15-20 kg€890-100 kg €35
20-25 kg€8100-200 kg €75
25-30 kg€9200-300 kg €110
30-35 kg€10300-400 kg €145
35-40 kg€12400-500 kg €180
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