White Label seeds – Kali Haze




10 mag csomagonként

Vetőmag típusa

Rendszeres törzs

Éghajlati zóna

Napos / mediterrán




Magas (több mint 200 cm)

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Kali Haze Regular by White Label combines the best properties of a banging Haze with the performance and reliability of an Indian indica. It stimulates the mind and body, and is absolutely predestined for creative work.

Many cannabis fans won’t touch anything else once they’ve tried a Haze strain. The effect and flavour are right up there. Growing expensive Haze seeds often results in disillusionment. At European latitudes in particular, the towering plants cannot complete their flowering phase in time. Our White Label experts set out to solve this problem.

Kali Haze Regular by White Label growth pattern

Crossing a Haze strain with North Indian and Jamaican genetics has successfully alleviated many of the properties of original Haze. In particular with respect to height gain and flowering time. With 75% sativa and 25% indica genes, Kali Haze Regular by White Label is still a tall-growing strain, but in its current form it’s suitable for indoor cultivation.

Use a Screen of Green (SCROG) to achieve the great yield potential of around 400 g/m². Mesh netting restricts height gain and bud formation. The density and weight of resin-soaked buds are properties rarely encountered with Haze hybrids. The buds slowly fill the spaces between the internode gaps, and tend to spread out along all the stems and branches.

Kali Haze Regular by White Label is a regular strain that produces both female and male plants. In a growing room, they can be made to form buds early. If growing outdoors, this works only when the daylight period becomes considerably shorter. That means October at most latitudes. Please note that outdoor growing will be successful only in a sunny climate with warm summers.

Effect, flavour and smell of Kali Haze Regular by White Label

The name ‘Kali’ is a reference to the Indian deity Kali, and the home of the original Haze strain in sunny California. The effect of Kali Haze is correspondingly uplifting. The pleasant high refreshes tired minds and promotes activity. There is absolutely no sign of the heaviness of an indica. Suitable for any time of the day, except for just before bedtime.

The plants give off a fresh and sweet scent. Typically of this strain are intensive pine aromas that blend with the round indica hashish flavour.


  • Haze strains are very popular with artists, musicians and writers. That’s probably because of the cerebral sativa high that is better suited for creative activities than the narcotic effect of an indica.
SKU: WLS2100
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